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YOGA is a 10,000 year old Indian science and teaching of life and means unity and connection.


Physical exercises (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation ensure that body, mind and soul connect and fears, stress and pain disappears.

This provides inner peace, clarity and relaxation and leads to a deep connection with oneself and all living beings.

YOGA teaches patience and devotion, mindfulness, gratitude and compassion and helps to live a a healthier and happier life.



Deep relaxation and meditation are the easiest and best methods to restore the balance between body and soul.

I have produced AUTOGENIC TRAINING a relaxation audio book for you to download and stream.


Autogenic training is a relaxation method inspired by hypnosis, yoga and Zen meditation. The conscious concentration on one's own body leads, through an intense body awareness, to deep relaxation, inner peace, serenity and ensures gentle sleep.

Hörprobe auf YouTube

Entspannung für Kinder TEIL2 I Tierische Geschichten zum Einschlafen und Träumen

Entspannung für Kinder TEIL 2, mit  Relaxorius, dem Chamäleon 🐸 seinen tierischen Freunden🐢🐻🦆🦋🐿🐦🦊, dem Eichenbaum🌳 und Hanuman, dem Meditationsaffen🐒. Lustige, spannende und entspannende Abenteuer auf der Tropeninsel 🏝, mit Autogenen Training. Zum Ruhe und Energie tanken, Meditieren, Einschlafen und Träumen.

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Relaxation for Children Part 1 with relaxing, funny animal stories and exercises from autogenic training is specially adapted to the needs of children. The journeys to the eight animals and a tree give the child's soul peace, strength and concentration, strengthen self-confidence, stimulate the imagination and ensure a deep sleep.

Hier eine Hörprobe auf Youtube

Progressive Muskelentspannung I Entspannt einschlafen

Progressive Muscle Relaxation after Jacobson is a scientifically recognized deep relaxation method. By tensioning and letting go of individual muscle groups in the body, muscle tensions are released, body perception changes and a state of deep physical and psychological relaxation develops.

Yoga Nidra I Geführte Tiefenentspannung für Körper und Geist

Yoga Nidra is one of the most effective Indian deep relaxation methods. Mindfulness of the body, breathing meditations and fantasy journeys ensure that the body and mind drift off into a kind of twilight sleep. This helps to achieve deep inner peace, steady breathing, gives a clear mind and restful sleep.

Yoga Herzöffner


Yoga Herzöffner
Yoga Herzöffner
Yoga Herzöffner

I am a Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher as well as an actress and author with over 20 years of film/TV experience (IMDB).

After a burnout, yoga and meditation have helped me to find my way back into life.

"Inner peace has taught me to trust myself and my feelings and to live them, to recognize my wishes and to fulfill them - that is what makes really happy.

I produce my audio books with love and passion and record them in a professional studio in Berlin.

Let go of stress, get new energy, find peace, learn about your own needs, feel your body and simply fall asleep.

"Being authentic, accepting yourself in everything you are - living exactly what your inner feeling tells you - then happiness happens all by itself.


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